Write an opinion essay 120 150 words stating the opposite view?

Question: Write an opinion essay 120 150 words stating the opposite view?

Should parents strictly limit teenagers' screen time?

Opposite view:

Teenagers have been blamed for spending too much time on screens, but there are many reasons why parents should not strictly limit their screen time.

First, the quality of screen time is more important than the quantity. Teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge and necessary skills through online educational games and videos. For example, they can learn how to code, play a musical instrument, or speak a new language. They can also stay informed about current events and connect with people from all over the world.

Second, screen time can be a way for teenagers to relax and de-stress after a long day at school. Playing video games or watching funny videos can help them to unwind and forget about their worries. Additionally, screen time can be a way for teenagers to socialize with their friends. They can play online games together, chat on social media, or watch movies and TV shows together.

Of course, it is important for teenagers to use screens in moderation. Parents can help them to achieve this by setting some basic rules, such as no screens in the bedroom at night and a limit on screen time during the day. However, it is important to remember that screen time is not inherently bad for teenagers. It can be a valuable tool for learning, relaxation, and socialization.

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