Describe anderson bridge method for measuring self inductance?

Question: Describe anderson bridge method for measuring self inductance?

The Anderson Bridge is a Wheatstone Bridge-based circuit specifically designed for measuring the self-inductance of inductors. It is a highly accurate and sensitive method that eliminates the need for null detection, making it easier to use and maintain than traditional Wheatstone Bridges.

The Anderson Bridge consists of the following components:

  1. Inductor to be measured (L1): This is the inductor whose self-inductance we want to measure.

  2. Standard inductor (L2): This is a known inductor with a known self-inductance, typically calibrated by a specialized laboratory.

  3. Variable resistor (R1): This resistor is used to balance the bridge and determine the unknown self-inductance.

  4. Mutual inductor (M): This inductor is used to couple the two inductors and establish a coupling coefficient between them.

  5. Detector: This is a device used to detect the current or voltage condition in the bridge circuit.

The Anderson Bridge operates by creating two opposing voltage drops:

  1. Voltage drop across the standard inductor: This voltage drop is proportional to the inductance of the standard inductor and the current flowing through the circuit.

  2. Voltage drop across the mutual inductor: This voltage drop is proportional to the mutual inductance between the standard inductor and the unknown inductor, as well as the current flowing through the circuit.

By adjusting the variable resistor, the voltage drops across the standard inductor and mutual inductor are balanced, and the unknown self-inductance (L1) can be calculated using the following formula:

L1 = L2 * β / (1 - β)


  • L1 is the unknown self-inductance of the inductor to be measured.
  • L2 is the known self-inductance of the standard inductor.
  • β is the coupling coefficient between the standard inductor and the unknown inductor.

The Anderson Bridge offers several advantages over traditional Wheatstone Bridges for measuring self-inductance:

  1. Null detection is not required: The balance condition is achieved by adjusting the variable resistor, eliminating the need for null detection and simplifying the measurement process.

  2. Higher sensitivity: The Anderson Bridge is more sensitive than traditional Wheatstone Bridges, making it suitable for measuring small inductors with high accuracy.

  3. Wide range of applications: The Anderson Bridge can be used to measure a wide range of inductors, from small micro-inductors to large power inductors.

  4. Simple circuit: The circuit is relatively simple to set up and maintain, making it a practical choice for laboratory and industrial applications.

Due to these advantages, the Anderson Bridge is widely used in various industries, including electronics, electrical engineering, and scientific research, for precise measurement of self-inductance.

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