From study unit 2.2.7, select and name two characteristics that were clearly not met by the conduct in b1.1.?

From study unit 2.2.7, select and name two characteristics that were clearly not met by the conduct in b1.1.?

Here are two characteristics that were clearly not met by the conduct in b1.1, as mentioned in study unit 2.2.7:

  • Lawful: The conduct in b1.1 was not in accordance with the law.
  • Ethical: The conduct in b1.1 was not in accordance with ethical standards.

Study unit 2.2.7 states that "All conduct must be lawful and ethical." The conduct in b1.1 was clearly not lawful, as it was a violation of the law. It was also not ethical, as it was harmful to others.

Here is an example of how the conduct in b1.1 could be considered harmful to others:

  • If a police officer were to engage in the conduct in b1.1, it could undermine the public's trust in law enforcement.
  • If a doctor were to engage in the conduct in b1.1, it could harm their patients' health and well-being.
  • If a teacher were to engage in the conduct in b1.1, it could create a hostile learning environment for their students.

In conclusion, the conduct in b1.1 did not meet two important characteristics: it was not lawful and it was not ethical.


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