Aplomb meaning in hindi?

Aplomb meaning in hindi?

Question: Aplomb meaning in hindi?

The Hindi translation of "aplomb" depends on the context, as it has several meanings:


  • आत्मविश्वास (aatmvishwas): This is the most common translation, meaning "self-confidence" or "assurance." It captures the sense of composure and self-possession that aplomb implies.
  • दृढ़ता (dridhta): This translates to "firmness" or "steadfastness," highlighting the unwavering nature of aplomb.
  • शान (shaan): This means "dignity" or "grace," emphasizing the elegant and effortless manner often associated with aplomb.

Specific contexts:

  • (In ballet) संतुलन (santulan): This refers to the unwavering balance and poise maintained during a vertical movement or pose.
  • (In writing) निपुणता (nipuntata): This translates to "skill" or "mastery," highlighting the expertise and confidence in one's craft.


  • पांच का पंच (panch ka panch): This is a colloquial expression meaning "someone who knows it all" or "a confident know-it-all," often used with a humorous touch.

Ultimately, the best translation for "aplomb" in Hindi will depend on the specific context and the precise nuance you want to convey. Consider the surrounding words, the tone, and the overall message you want to communicate to choose the most appropriate option.

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