In what year did a senator jump out of a moving vehicle?

Question: In what year did a senator jump out of a moving vehicle?

You may have heard of some bizarre incidents involving politicians, but this one takes the cake. In what year did a senator jump out of a moving vehicle? The answer is 2017, and the senator was Bob Corker, a Republican from Tennessee.

According to a report by Politico, Corker was riding in a car with two other senators, Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse, on their way to the White House for a meeting with President Trump. The trio had been vocal critics of Trump, and they were expecting a tense encounter. As they approached the security gate, Corker suddenly decided to bail out of the car and walk the rest of the way.

Why did he do that? Corker later explained that he wanted to avoid the awkwardness of being in the same car with Trump's chief of staff, John Kelly, who was also in the meeting. Corker said he had a "very good relationship" with Kelly, but he felt it would be "uncomfortable" to ride with him after publicly clashing with Trump.

Corker's stunt surprised his colleagues and the security personnel, who had to scramble to clear him for entry. It also raised some eyebrows among the public, who wondered if Corker was trying to make a statement or just being impulsive. Either way, it was a memorable moment in a year full of political drama.

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