What does prime minister narendra modi emphasize about the 20th-century education system in relation to the 21st century?

Question: What does prime minister narendra modi emphasize about the 20th-century education system in relation to the 21st century?

In a recent speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the need for a new education policy that would cater to the demands and challenges of the 21st century. He said that the 20th-century education system was based on a rigid and narrow curriculum that focused on memorization and rote learning. He argued that this system was not suitable for the 21st century, which requires creativity, innovation, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

He said that the new education policy, which was approved by the cabinet in July 2020, aims to transform the education system by making it more holistic, flexible and multidisciplinary. He said that the policy would enable students to pursue their interests and passions, and develop their potential in various fields. He also said that the policy would promote a culture of learning and excellence, and foster a spirit of self-reliance and national pride.

He emphasized that the new education policy was not just a document, but a vision for the future of India. He said that the policy would prepare the youth for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century, and make them capable of contributing to the nation's development and progress. He urged all stakeholders, including teachers, parents, students and civil society, to participate in the implementation of the policy and make it a success.

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