What happened when the rain falls on the seeds?

Question: What happened when the rain falls on the seeds?

Rain is essential for plant growth, but what exactly happens when the rain falls on the seeds? In this blog post, we will explore the process of seed germination and how water plays a key role in it.

Seed germination is the process by which a seed sprouts and develops into a seedling. It involves several stages, such as:

- Imbibition: This is the first stage, where the seed absorbs water and swells. This activates the enzymes and hormones that are needed for germination.

- Respiration: As the seed absorbs water, it starts to use the stored food reserves to produce energy. This is called respiration, and it releases carbon dioxide and heat.

- Radicle emergence: The radicle is the first part of the seedling to emerge from the seed coat. It is the embryonic root that will anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients.

- Shoot emergence: The shoot is the part of the seedling that grows above the ground. It consists of the plumule (the embryonic stem and leaves) and the cotyledons (the seed leaves that store food). The shoot emerges from the soil and starts to perform photosynthesis.

The time and conditions required for seed germination vary depending on the type of seed, but generally, water is one of the most important factors. Without water, the seed remains dormant and does not germinate. However, too much water can also be harmful, as it can cause rotting or fungal infections. Therefore, seeds need a balance of moisture and air to germinate successfully.

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