Which countries celebrate christmas on the 25th?

Question: Which countries celebrate christmas on the 25th?

Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in the world, but not every country observes it on the same date. While most countries follow the Gregorian calendar and celebrate Christmas on December 25, some countries follow the Julian calendar and celebrate it on January 7. There are also some countries that celebrate Christmas on December 24, the day before Christmas Day. Why is that?

The main reason for this difference is the tradition of celebrating Christmas Eve as the main festive occasion, rather than Christmas Day itself. This practice is observed in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Argentina, Colombia, and Brazil, to name a few . In these countries, Christmas Eve is often marked by a special family dinner, followed by the exchange of gifts and attending a midnight mass or church service. Some countries also have customs such as lighting candles, singing carols, or placing a nativity scene under the Christmas tree.

Another reason for celebrating Christmas on December 24 is the historical influence of the Lutheran Church, which promoted this date as a way of emphasizing the importance of Advent, the period of preparation and anticipation for Christmas. The Lutheran Church also discouraged the celebration of saints' days, such as St. Nicholas Day on December 6, which was traditionally associated with gift-giving in many European countries. By shifting the focus to Christmas Eve, the Lutherans hoped to create a more sober and spiritual celebration of Christ's birth.

Of course, not every country celebrates Christmas at all. Some countries have a majority of non-Christian population or a government that does not recognize Christmas as a public holiday. These include Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Mauritania, Mongolia, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Yemen. In some of these countries, however, there may be small Christian communities or foreign residents who celebrate Christmas privately or unofficially.

As you can see, Christmas is a diverse and complex phenomenon that reflects the cultural and religious diversity of the world. Whether you celebrate it on December 24 or 25 or not at all, we wish you a happy and peaceful holiday season!

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