Akeem is walking on the beach on a hot summer day. the sand is very hot, so he runs and puts his feet in the water, which is much cooler. explain why the water is cooler than the sand.

Question: Akeem is walking on the beach on a hot summer day. the sand is very hot, so he runs and puts his feet in the water, which is much cooler. explain why the water is cooler than the sand.

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Have you ever wondered why the water feels cooler than the sand when you go to the beach on a hot summer day? That's what Akeem experienced when he was walking on the beach and decided to run and put his feet in the water. In this post, I will explain the science behind this phenomenon and how it relates to heat transfer.

The main reason why the water is cooler than the sand is that water has a higher specific heat capacity than sand. Specific heat capacity is a measure of how much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius. Water has a specific heat capacity of 4.18 joules per gram per degree Celsius, while sand has a specific heat capacity of 0.8 joules per gram per degree Celsius. This means that water can absorb more heat energy without changing its temperature as much as sand.

Another factor that affects the temperature difference between water and sand is the rate of heat transfer. Heat transfer is the process of moving heat energy from one place to another by conduction, convection, or radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy through direct contact between molecules. Convection is the transfer of heat energy by the movement of fluids, such as air or water. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic waves, such as sunlight.

Sand is a good conductor of heat, which means that it transfers heat energy quickly through conduction. When sunlight hits the sand, it heats up the surface layer, which then transfers heat to the lower layers. The sand also radiates some of the heat energy back to the air, but not as much as water does. Water is a poor conductor of heat, which means that it transfers heat energy slowly through conduction. When sunlight hits the water, it heats up only a thin layer near the surface, which then transfers heat to the lower layers by convection. The water also radiates a lot of the heat energy back to the air, which helps to cool it down.

Therefore, when Akeem walks on the sand on a hot summer day, he feels the heat from both the sun and the sand. The sand has absorbed a lot of heat energy and has a high temperature. When he runs and puts his feet in the water, he feels the coolness from both the air and the water. The water has absorbed less heat energy and has a lower temperature. This explains why the water is cooler than the sand.


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