Credited or debited meaning in hindi?

Question: Credited or debited meaning in hindi?

In Hindi, "credited" and "debited" can be translated in several ways depending on the context and your desired level of formality. Here are some common options:


  • जमा किया गया (jama kiya gaya): This literally translates to "added" and is a formal way to say "credited."
  • जमा हुआ (jama hua): This means "has been credited" and can be used interchangeably with "जमा किया गया."
  • क्रेडिट किया गया (kredit kiya gaya): This is a direct translation of "credited" and can be used in more technical contexts.
  • डेबिट किया गया (debit kiya gaya): This is the direct translation of "debited."
  • कटौती की गई (katauti ki gayi): This means "deducted" and is a more general way to say "debited."


  • डाला गया (daala gaya): This is a colloquial way to say "credited" and means "put in."
  • जोड़ दिया गया (jor diya gaya): This means "added" and is another informal way to say "credited."
  • निकाल लिया गया (nikal liya gaya): This means "taken out" and is a informal way to say "debited."
  • कम कर दिया गया (kam kar diya gaya): This means "reduced" and can be used interchangeably with "निकाल लिया गया."

It's important to choose the right translation based on the context. For example, if you're talking about your bank account, you might use more formal terms like "जमा किया गया" or "डेबिट किया गया." But if you're just chatting with a friend, you might use more informal terms like "डाला गया" or "कम कर दिया गया."

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