If you encounter a traffic signal, like the one in this photo, explain how the vehicles are legally required to move through this intersection?

Question: If you encounter a traffic signal, like the one in this photo, explain how the vehicles are legally required to move through this intersection?

Traffic signals are devices that regulate the flow of traffic and ensure safety on the roads. They use different colors, shapes, and symbols to convey messages to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. In this blog post, we will explain how the vehicles are legally required to move through an intersection with a traffic signal like the one in this photo.

The photo shows a four-way intersection with a traffic signal that has three lights: red, yellow, and green. The signal also has a green arrow pointing to the right. The arrow indicates that the vehicles on the lane where the arrow is displayed can turn right even when the main light is red. This is called a permissive right turn.

However, there are some rules that the drivers must follow when making a permissive right turn. First, they must come to a complete stop before the crosswalk or stop line and yield to any pedestrians or cyclists who are crossing the street. Second, they must check for any oncoming traffic from the left and only proceed when it is safe to do so. Third, they must stay in the rightmost lane when turning and not cut across other lanes.

If the main light is green, the vehicles can go straight or turn left or right, depending on their destination. However, they must also yield to any pedestrians or cyclists who have the right of way and follow the direction of any signs or markings on the road. For example, some intersections may have signs that prohibit certain turns or require drivers to turn in a specific direction.

If the main light is yellow, it means that the signal is about to change to red and the drivers should prepare to stop. However, if they are already in the intersection or too close to stop safely, they can continue their movement and clear the intersection as soon as possible.

If the main light is red, it means that the drivers must stop and wait until the signal changes to green. They cannot go straight or turn left unless there is a sign that allows them to do so. For example, some intersections may have signs that say "Left Turn on Red After Stop" or "Right Turn on Red After Stop". In that case, the drivers can make those turns after stopping and yielding to any traffic or pedestrians.

By following these rules, the drivers can move through the intersection with a traffic signal safely and legally. Remember, traffic signals are there to help you, not hinder you. Always pay attention to them and drive with caution.

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