Maria was keen in checking the elements of art interact with each other upon judging an artwork. what step in art criticism did she apply?

Question: Maria was keen in checking the elements of art interact with each other upon judging an artwork. what step in art criticism did she apply?

One of the skills that art critics need to have is the ability to analyze how the elements of art (such as line, shape, color, texture, etc.) and the principles of design (such as balance, contrast, rhythm, etc.) work together to create a visual effect in an artwork. This is what Maria did when she was keen in checking the elements of art interact with each other upon judging an artwork. She applied the second step in art criticism, which is analysis.

Analysis is the process of breaking down an artwork into its components and examining how they relate to each other and to the whole. Analysis helps us understand how the artist used the elements and principles of art to convey a message, express an emotion, or create a mood. Analysis also helps us appreciate the technical skill and creativity of the artist.

In order to analyze an artwork, we need to ask ourselves questions such as:

- What are the dominant elements and principles of art in this artwork?

- How do they create a sense of unity, harmony, variety, or contrast?

- How do they support or enhance the subject matter, theme, or idea of the artwork?

- How do they affect the viewer's perception, interpretation, or response to the artwork?

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