Name and explain the three pars that make up the computer cycle.

Question: Name and explain the three pars that make up the computer cycle.

The computer cycle, also known as the instruction cycle or the fetch-decode-execute cycle, is the basic process that a computer follows to perform any operation. The computer cycle consists of three main parts: fetch, decode and execute.

The fetch part is where the computer retrieves an instruction from the memory. The instruction is a binary code that tells the computer what to do. The instruction is stored in a specific location in the memory, called the address. The computer uses a special register, called the program counter, to keep track of the address of the next instruction to be fetched.

The decode part is where the computer interprets the instruction and determines what action to take. The instruction is divided into two parts: the opcode and the operand. The opcode is the part that specifies the type of operation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. The operand is the part that specifies the data or the location of the data that the operation will use. The computer uses another special register, called the instruction register, to store the instruction that has been fetched.

The execute part is where the computer performs the action that the instruction specifies. Depending on the type of operation, the computer may use different components, such as the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the control unit, or other registers, to carry out the operation. The result of the operation may be stored in another location in the memory or in another register.

The computer cycle repeats for every instruction that the computer executes, until it encounters a halt instruction or an error. The computer cycle is essential for understanding how computers work and how programs are executed.


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