Stubborn meaning in marathi?

Question: Stubborn meaning in marathi?

Marathi has several words to translate "stubborn," each with slightly different nuances:

General meaning:

  • हट्टी (haṭṭī): This is the most common and direct translation, meaning "stubborn" or "obstinate." It implies a strong determination not to change one's mind or do something someone else wants.
  • हट्टमजी (haṭṭmajī): This emphasizes the stubborn person's temperamental side, suggesting they get easily irritated or angry when their will is challenged.

Other options:

  • ठरा (thra): This word focuses on the unwavering nature of the person, implying they are firm in their beliefs and difficult to influence.
  • जिद्दी (jidḍī): Similar to "haṭṭī," but slightly less intense, suggesting a persistent insistence on doing things their own way.
  • अडणखाऊ (aḍaṇkhāu): This implies a rebellious and defiant attitude, someone who actively resists authority or control.

Figurative use:

  • पत्थर की नाक (paththar kī nāak): This literally translates to "stone nose" and suggests someone completely unyielding and impossible to persuade.
  • एकदम (ekdam): This word means "absolutely" or "totally," but in the context of someone being stubborn, it emphasizes their unshakeable stance.

The best word to use depends on the specific context and the particular shade of meaning you want to convey.

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