Summoned meaning in hindi?

Summoned meaning in hindi?

Question: Summoned meaning in hindi?

The Hindi word for "summoned" depends on the context in which it is used. Here are some possible translations:

  • बुलाया गया (bulāyā gayā): This is the most common translation and simply means "called" or "summoned."
  • हुक्म दिया गया (hukm diyā gayā): This translation suggests a more authoritative or commanding request to appear, like being "ordered" to come.
  • तलब किया गया (talab kiyā gayā): This translation implies a formal summoning, often through a legal or official notice.
  • आमंत्रित किया गया (āmantrit kiyā gayā): This translation is used when someone is invited or requested to come in a more cordial or respectful manner.

To choose the best translation, consider the context of the sentence in which "summoned" is used.

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