When is 3 kings day 2024?
Question: When is 3 kings day 2024?
Three Kings Day, also known as Epiphany, is a Christian feast day that commemorates the visit of the Magi (or wise men) to the infant Jesus, and his revelation to the Gentiles. It is celebrated on January 6th every year, which is the twelfth day of Christmas according to the Western Christian calendar. In 2024, Three Kings Day will fall on a Saturday .
Three Kings Day is celebrated in different ways around the world, depending on the local traditions and customs. Some common activities include:
- Giving gifts to children, as a reminder of the gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus. In some countries, such as Spain and Mexico, children leave their shoes out on the night of January 5th, and find them filled with presents the next morning.
- Eating a special cake or bread called Rosca de Reyes (King's Cake), which has a small figurine of baby Jesus hidden inside. Whoever finds the figurine is supposed to host a party on February 2nd, which is Candlemas Day or the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.
- Attending church services or parades that reenact the journey of the Magi and their encounter with Jesus. Some churches also bless water and chalk on this day, which are used to mark the doors of homes with the initials of the Magi and the year.
- Doing charitable works or donating to the poor, as a way of honoring Jesus and following his example.
Three Kings Day is a joyful and meaningful celebration that reminds us of the universal significance of Jesus' birth and his message of love and peace for all people.
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