Who among the philosophers considered that the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others?

Question: Who among the philosophers considered that the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others?

One of the most influential and enduring figures in the history of philosophy is Socrates, who lived in ancient Athens from around 470 to 399 BCE. Socrates is widely regarded as the founder of Western philosophy, and as a pioneer of the practice of dialectic, or dialogue-based reasoning. Socrates believed that the highest form of human excellence, or virtue, is to question oneself and others, and to seek the truth through rational argument. He famously claimed that he knew nothing except that he knew nothing, and that the unexamined life is not worth living.

Socrates did not write any books or leave behind any written works. Instead, he spent his life engaging in conversations with his fellow citizens, challenging their assumptions, exposing their contradictions, and stimulating their critical thinking. He often used irony and humor to make his points, and he was not afraid to question anyone, regardless of their status or authority. He was especially interested in ethical and political questions, such as what is justice, what is the best way to live, and what is the nature of the good.

Socrates' method of questioning and dialogue has inspired generations of philosophers, educators, and seekers of wisdom. His legacy can be seen in the fields of logic, epistemology, ethics, and political theory. He also influenced the development of other schools of thought, such as Platonism, Stoicism, Skepticism, and Cynicism. Socrates' life and death are also a testament to his courage and integrity, as he chose to die rather than compromise his principles or renounce his philosophy.

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