Margot collected data for an experiment and was so delighted all her measurements were accurate. which of the following statements is most appropriate to describe her data?

Question: Margot collected data for an experiment and was so delighted all her measurements were accurate. which of the following statements is most appropriate to describe her data?

Margot's delight at the accuracy of her measurements is commendable! Let's delve into the terminology to describe her data:

1. Reliability: This concept pertains to the consistency of a measurement. If Margot's method consistently yields the same results under identical conditions, her data can be considered reliable¹. For instance, if she measures the temperature of a liquid sample multiple times using the same thermometer, and each time it displays the same temperature, her results are reliable.

2. Validity: Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If Margot's research produces results that correspond to real properties or characteristics in the physical or social world, her data has high validity¹. In other words, her measurements accurately reflect the phenomenon she is studying.

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