Upright aerial hyphae of bread mould that bear sporangia?

Question: Upright aerial hyphae of bread mould that bear sporangia?

How Bread Mould Grows and Reproduces

Bread mould is a common type of fungus that can grow on various kinds of food, especially bread. It belongs to the genus Rhizopus, which contains about 10 species of filamentous fungi. In this blog post, we will explore how bread mould grows and reproduces by producing spores in structures called sporangia.

What is Bread Mould?

Bread mould is a type of fungus that belongs to the phylum Zygomycota, which includes fungi that produce sexual spores in zygosporangia. The most common species of bread mould is Rhizopus stolonifer, also known as black bread mould. It is widely distributed in nature and can grow on various organic substrates, such as fruits, vegetables, cheese, and bread.

Bread mould has a haploid mycelium, which is composed of coenocytic (multinucleate) hyphae. These hyphae are divided into three types: stolons, rhizoids, and sporangiophores.

- Stolons are horizontal hyphae that run along the surface of the substrate and produce new branches at regular intervals.

- Rhizoids are root-like hyphae that grow downward from the stolons and penetrate the substrate. They help to anchor the fungus and absorb nutrients and water.

- Sporangiophores are upright aerial hyphae that grow upward from the stolons and bear sporangia at their tips.

What are Sporangia?

Sporangia are spherical or oval structures that contain spores. Spores are haploid cells that can germinate and form new mycelia under favorable conditions. Sporangia are formed by the swelling and differentiation of the tips of sporangiophores. They are usually black or dark brown in color, giving the bread mould its characteristic appearance.

The spores inside the sporangia are produced by mitosis and are genetically identical to the parent mycelium. The number of spores in each sporangium varies depending on the species, but it can range from a few to thousands. The spores are surrounded by a thin wall called the sporangial wall, which protects them from desiccation and other environmental factors.

When the sporangia mature, they rupture and release the spores into the air. The spores can be dispersed by wind, water, insects, or other agents. If they land on a suitable substrate, they germinate and form new mycelia, completing the asexual cycle of reproduction.

How Does Bread Mould Reproduce Sexually?

Bread mould can also reproduce sexually by forming zygospores. Zygospores are thick-walled resting structures that contain diploid nuclei. They are formed by the fusion of two compatible hyphae from different mycelia. The fusion process involves three steps:

- Plasmogamy: The fusion of the cytoplasm of two hyphae, forming a heterokaryotic (different nuclei) cell.

- Karyogamy: The fusion of two haploid nuclei within the heterokaryotic cell, forming a diploid nucleus.

- Meiosis: The division of the diploid nucleus into four haploid nuclei, one of which survives and becomes the zygospore nucleus.

The zygospore is surrounded by a thick wall that protects it from harsh environmental conditions. It can remain dormant for a long time until favorable conditions trigger its germination. When it germinates, it produces a sporangium that releases haploid spores by meiosis. These spores can then germinate and form new mycelia, completing the sexual cycle of reproduction.


Bread mould is a type of fungus that can grow on various kinds of food, especially bread. It reproduces asexually by producing spores in sporangia, which are borne on upright aerial hyphae called sporangiophores. It can also reproduce sexually by forming zygospores, which are thick-walled resting structures that contain diploid nuclei. Bread mould is an important organism for studying fungal biology and biotechnology.

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