Briefly explain why and how a galvanometer is converted into an ammeter?

Question: Briefly explain why and how a galvanometer is converted into an ammeter?

A galvanometer is a device that can measure small currents by detecting the deflection of a coil in a magnetic field. To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter, which can measure larger currents, a low resistance called a shunt is connected in parallel with the galvanometer. The shunt allows most of the current to bypass the galvanometer, while only a small fraction passes through it. The value of the shunt resistance can be calculated using the formula:

S = (Ig x G) / (I - Ig)

where S is the shunt resistance, Ig is the current for full-scale deflection of the galvanometer, G is the resistance of the galvanometer, and I is the desired range of the ammeter. The conversion can be verified by comparing the readings of the converted ammeter with a standard ammeter of the same range.

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