Define the term bursary and mention three criteria learners should meet to acquire a bursary?

Question: Define the term bursary and mention three criteria learners should meet to acquire a bursary?

A bursary is a type of financial aid that is given to students who demonstrate academic excellence, financial need, and personal merit. A bursary does not have to be repaid, unlike a loan, and it usually covers part or all of the tuition fees for a course of study. To acquire a bursary, learners should meet the following criteria:

- They should have a high academic performance in their previous or current level of education, such as a high grade point average, test scores, or awards.

- They should have a low income or belong to a disadvantaged group, such as a minority, a refugee, or a person with a disability.

- They should have a clear and realistic career goal that aligns with the objectives of the bursary provider, such as pursuing a profession in a high-demand field, serving the community, or advancing social justice.

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