List four chemicals found in cigarette smoke and describe what other substances typically contain these chemicals.

Question: List four chemicals found in cigarette smoke and describe what other substances typically contain these chemicals.

Cigarette smoke contains a multitude of chemicals, many of which are harmful to human health. Among these, nicotine is perhaps the most well-known, being the addictive substance that smokers often seek. It is also found in smaller amounts in certain varieties of eggplant, tomatoes, and potatoes. Benzene, another chemical in cigarette smoke, is used industrially as a solvent and is present in gasoline; it is known to cause cancer. Formaldehyde, a potent chemical used in embalming fluids and as a preservative, is also a component of cigarette smoke and can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. Lastly, cadmium, a heavy metal found in cigarette smoke, is used in battery production and can accumulate in the body, leading to kidney and bone damage over time. These chemicals are just a few examples of the harmful substances that smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke may inhale.


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