Mention three negative psychological consequences which discrimination based on hiv status could have on young learners?

Question: Mention three negative psychological consequences which discrimination based on hiv status could have on young learners?

Discrimination based on HIV status can have serious negative psychological consequences on young learners. Some of these consequences are:

- Low self-esteem and self-worth. Young learners who face discrimination may internalize the stigma and feel ashamed, unworthy, or inferior. They may also lose confidence in their abilities and potential.

- Depression and anxiety. Young learners who experience discrimination may develop symptoms of depression and anxiety, such as sadness, hopelessness, irritability, nervousness, or fear. They may also have difficulty sleeping, eating, or concentrating.

- Social isolation and withdrawal. Young learners who are discriminated against may feel lonely, rejected, or unwanted by their peers, teachers, or family members. They may also avoid social interactions or activities that expose them to discrimination or judgment.

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