What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?

Question: What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?

Plants use different methods to get rid of excretory products, which are the waste or toxic substances produced by their metabolic activities. Some of the methods are:

- Transpiration: Plants excrete water and gaseous wastes, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, through the stomata on their leaves, the lenticels on their stems, and the outer surfaces of their fruits and flowers. Transpiration also helps plants to regulate their temperature and water balance.

- Storing: Plants store some of their organic wastes, such as resins, gums, latex, and oils, in their vacuoles, old xylem tissues, barks, and leaves. These plant parts may eventually fall off or wither away, removing the wastes from the plant body.

- Diffusion: Aquatic plants directly excrete their metabolic wastes, such as ammonia and urea, into the surrounding water through diffusion. This process does not require any specialized organs or structures.

These are some of the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products.

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