Who scored a billboard u.s. afrobeats songs top 40 hit with who is your guy?

Question: Who scored a billboard u.s. afrobeats songs top 40 hit with who is your guy?

The song "Who is Your Guy?" does not appear in the search results for the Billboard U.S. Afrobeats Songs Top 40 hits. It's possible that the song may not have made it to the top 40 on the chart, or it could be a recent release that has not yet been reflected in the available online resources. For the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding chart positions, it's recommended to check the latest Billboard U.S. Afrobeats Songs chart directly on the Billboard website or through their official publications. If you're looking for new and trending Afrobeats songs, the Billboard U.S. Afrobeats Songs chart is a great resource to discover popular tracks and artists in this vibrant music genre.


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