Suppose we have an array and we dequeue an element. after the dequeue, which elements have changed their index position?

Question: Suppose we have an array and we dequeue an element. after the dequeue, which elements have changed their index position?

In an array, when an element is dequeued, typically from the front of the array, it results in the shifting of all subsequent elements to fill the space of the removed element. This means that every element that was behind the dequeued element will have its index position decreased by one. For example, if we dequeue an element at index 0, the element that was at index 1 will now be at index 0, the one that was at index 2 will now be at index 1, and so on until the end of the array. This operation can be visualized as all elements moving up one position in the queue. It's important to note that the size of the array decreases by one as well. The efficiency of this operation can vary depending on the underlying data structure used to implement the array.

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