Which of the following statements describe the absorptive state?

Question: Which of the following statements describe the absorptive state?

The absorptive state, also known as the fed state, is a metabolic period that occurs after eating when the body is digesting food and absorbing nutrients. During this state, anabolism (the synthesis of complex molecules) exceeds catabolism (the breakdown of complex molecules). Key characteristics of the absorptive state include high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream, utilization of amino acids to supply mitochondria with Acetyl-CoA, and elevated blood sugar levels. Insulin is the primary metabolic hormone driving the pathways in this state, promoting the storage of glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles, and the conversion of excess glucose into fatty acids for storage in adipose tissue. This state can last for about four hours after a meal, during which nutrients from the food are available for use or storage.

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