Describe how crystals of copper sulphate are prepared in points?
Question: Describe how crystals of copper sulphate are prepared in points?
To prepare crystals of copper sulfate, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the Solution:
- Take a clean beaker (250 ml) and add the powdered sample of copper sulfate to it.
- Add distilled water and stir well using a glass rod.
- To make the solution clearer, add 2–3 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid and heat it up to 70°C.
- Gradually add more impure copper sulfate until no more of it dissolves.
2. Filter and Collect Filtrate:
- Filter the solution and collect the filtrate in a china dish.
- Heat it over a wire gauze kept on a tripod, stirring continuously until the volume reduces to half.
- Cool the other end of the glass rod by blowing air.
3. Crystallization:
- When a thin crust forms on the surface, crystallization points are reached.
- Turn off the burner and cover the china dish with a watch glass without disturbing it.
- As the solution cools down, blue-colored copper sulfate crystals will separate out.
4. Final Steps:
- Decant the mother liquor (the remaining liquid) and wash the crystals with a thin stream of cold water using a wash bottle.
- Press the crystals between filter paper sheets to remove excess water.
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