Explain why existing awareness programmes against unhealthy lifestyle choices seem ineffective to instil good decision making skills for young people to change their behaviour?
Question: Explain why existing awareness programmes against unhealthy lifestyle choices seem ineffective to instil good decision making skills for young people to change their behaviour?
The ineffectiveness of existing awareness programs in instilling good decision-making skills among young people to change their behavior can be attributed to several factors. Research suggests that such programs often fail to produce a significant long-term impact on behavior and related outcomes. One reason is that these programs may not address the complex interplay of individual, family, peer, and societal influences that contribute to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Additionally, fear appeals, which are commonly used in these programs, have been found to cause only short-term behavioral changes, if any, especially when they do not consider the strengthening of psychosocial resources. Moreover, young individuals might not effectively process the information presented in these programs, leading to a disconnect between awareness and action. To be more effective, programs need to focus on positive youth development, providing opportunities for positive encounters and engagements that can lead to less risky behavior and successful transitions into adulthood. Designing awareness programs that are tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of young people, and that provide actionable steps towards positive change, could potentially have a greater impact.
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