Explain the difference between physical and chemical digestion.

Question: Explain the difference between physical and chemical digestion.

The difference between physical and chemical digestion lies in the processes used to break down food:

1. Physical Digestion: This involves the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller pieces without changing its chemical structure. Examples include chewing (mastication) in the mouth and the churning of food by the stomach muscles. Physical digestion increases the surface area of food, making it easier for enzymes to act on it during chemical digestion.

2. Chemical Digestion: This refers to the biochemical breakdown of food into simpler molecules through the action of enzymes and other digestive chemicals. For example, salivary amylase breaks down carbohydrates in the mouth, and gastric juices in the stomach help digest proteins. Chemical digestion transforms complex food molecules into smaller, absorbable nutrients like amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids.

Both processes are essential and work together to ensure the body can efficiently absorb and use nutrients. 


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